District Rubrics
![district rubric showing the f & P expectation levels for each grade level](pictures/Family Resources/District Rubrics/readingLevel.jpg)
A - Advanced
- Consistently demonstrates high use of advanced thinking, skill and understanding of grade-level standards.
- Test scores consistently indicate a high level of understanding of grade level concepts and skills.
- The student intuitively makes connections and applications to other areas.
- The student consistently uses appropriate academic language.
- Student work is complete and well organized - demonstrating a high level of commitment.
B - Proficient
- Consistently meets and understands grade-level standards.
- Test scores indicate a concrete understanding of grade level concepts and skills.
- The student uses a variety of skills to demonstrate their understanding.
- The student may need prompting to utilize particular processes/strategies.
- Student work is complete and organized.
C - Basic
- Approaching grade-level standards.
- The student demonstrates some basic foundational levels.
- The student may have gaps in understanding and test scores may be inconsistent.
- The student relies on familiar strategies and requires scaffolding and prompting to access grade level standards.
- Student work is generally complete but quality, thoroughness and organization varies.
D - Below Basic
- Consistently performing below grade-level standards.
- Test scores indicate little or very weak understanding and acquisition of grade level concepts and skills.
- Student work varies widely in quality, thoroughness and completion.
F - Far Below Basic
- The student lacks basic foundational skills to access grade-level standards.
- Test scores indicate little or no understanding of grade level concepts and skills.
- Student work demonstrates little or no understanding or may be frequently incomplete.